Rabbit and Pears Original Oil Painting by Chris Thomas

Rabbit and Pears Original Oil Painting by Chris Thomas
Rabbit and Pears
Original Oil on Canvas 24" x 20" image size - Framed
(b. 1970 Henderson, Kentucky)
An eye for detail combined with a desire to maintain freshness and spontaneity have led Chris Thomas to his current style of painting. From childhood, Chris exhibited a great interest in drawing and began developing his skills in watercolor. In 1992 Chris attended the Art Students League of New York City where he learned to paint in oils. After his time in New York, he spent the next three years studying the masters, learning their techniques and developing his own style. Chris has made his living as a professional artist since 1995.
Chris’ beautifully rendered oil paintings have led to enthusiastic interest by many private collectors around the country. His work has been included in a number of corporate collections, the Evansville Museum of Art in Indiana, and has also been featured in several publications. Chris is represented by James R. Ross Fine Art in Indianapolis, Indiana and Nance Galleries in Evansville, Indiana.
Chris offers workshops, online critiques, weekly classes in his studio and he currently resides in Kentucky with his wife Shakira.
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